AI Research Reveals That Being Single and Unhappiness Can Accelerate Aging Than Smoking
Poverty can make aging faster. (photo; dock. Pixabay)

JAKARTA - Scientists have just discovered a new type of watch that uses artificial intelligence to measure how a person's mental health is.

Called the digital aging model or aging clock, this tool can also be used to get anti-aging therapy on everyone.

Based on a collaboration led by Deep Longevity, a publicly traded company that invests in old watches with US and Chinese scientists, they measured how aging could be due to the effects of loneliness, lack of sleep or feeling unhappy.

This new aging clock is trained and verified with blood and biometric data from 7,000 healthy adults in China which includes only participants aged 45 years or older.

As a result, accelerated aging was detected in people with a history of stroke, liver, lung disease, smokers, and most interestingly, people in vulnerable mental conditions.

In fact, feelings of hopelessness, unhappiness, and loneliness have been shown to increase a person's biological age more than smoking. This is not to say the algorithm found that smoking had a lower health risk than depression or loneliness, smoking remains one of the main risk factors for cancer and heart disease.

Another factor associated with accelerated aging is that unmarried people are rarely happy, often feel hopeless, and have trouble sleeping, which may have a greater impact on their health than people who smoke.

In fact, those who live in rural areas are also the cause, due to the low availability of medical services.

The scientists say their results show the detrimental impact of low psychological well-being is as great as serious illness and smoking.

"We conclude that the psychological component should not be neglected in aging studies because of its significant impact on biological age," the scientists wrote in the study published in the journal Aging.

This latest effort combines physical information on 16 blood factors, including cholesterol levels as well as BMI, waist circumference and blood pressure.

By measuring certain aspects of a person's physical health, scientists hope to one day predict how young or old a person is in biological years.

If the clock is also accurate, it could help scientists understand why some individuals age faster than others and what lifestyle factors contribute to that aging process.

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