JAKARTA - Last week it was reported that Google had secretly launched the Switch to Android application for iOS users. But it hasn't officially arrived on the App Store yet. Now, everything has changed.
According to reports, Google has officially launched the Switch to Android application to the public starting Monday, April 18. Google says the rollout process is acceptable to 100 percent of users over the next few weeks.
The Switch to Android app is very useful for helping users move their important content like contacts, calendar, photos, and videos from their iPhone to their new Android device.
This app supports all the same data types as Google Drive. Before moving on, users are advised to back up their contacts, calendar, photos, and videos via the Google Drive iOS app.
Citing TechCrunch, Wednesday, April 20, Google also offers a way to physically connect devices to move more content, including music, audio, wallpapers, alarms, call logs, device settings, and free apps.
This is said by Google, which aims to replace the USB cable to transfer data. In addition to transferring data, the new Switch to Android app offers other instructions on the transfer process, such as how to unregister iMessage in order to continue receiving SMS on the new Android device.
In the next few months, Google plans to add support for more data types to the app.
That said, Switch to Android only supports Google Pixel devices as devices from the tech giant itself, but the company promises to add support for other OEMs at a later date.
This launch is an attempt by Google to make it easier for users to transfer their content to its own platform and services through backend development.
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