The YOGYAKARTA - Shuttle run is carried out to train agility, speed, and endurance. This training technique is applied in various sports, such as football, basketball, badminton, and others. Some people may still learn how to do the right shuttle run.

For athletes, the shuttle run has become a normal exercise. This exercise aims to measure how agile an athlete is and how strong his immune system is. This exercise is very important to improve performance for matches on the field.

Shuttle run is also included as one of the materials in Jasmani, Sports, and Health Education lessons at the high school level. So what are the correct shuttle runs and what are the benefits?

Before studying the steps to do a shuttle run, you should first understand what a shuttle run is. Shuttle run is a short-distance run for training to measure a person's agility, durability, and flexibility. This exercise also shows a person's level of scarcity.

Shuttle runs are carried out by running back and forth and touching two points 10 meters away from each other. To measure agility and dexterity, the shuttle run is carried out with a specific target and within a specified time.

Shuttle run is a basic exercise for athletes or sports players who require high flexibility and stamina. Even as a basic exercise, this short-distance relay should not be carried out carelessly.

Without knowing the shuttle run technique, you will be overwhelmed when you have to run back and forth from opposite points. In addition, you will also find it difficult to adjust your breath to maintain stamina until a certain time target.

It is better to learn the techniques of doing the right shuttle run below:

The shuttle run requires movement and strength from several parts of the body, ranging from the front thigh, back thigh, and calf. In addition to pumping muscle performance, the shuttle run also trains hip flexibility, muscle strength, and lower back.

As mentioned above, the shuttle run is useful for developing speed, strength, and agility. In addition, there are also some benefits of the shuttle run below:

That's how to do the right shuttle run to train thinness, speed, and stamina. Before doing a shuttle run, make sure you warm up first by playing for a few minutes. Also read short-distance running techniques.

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