YOGYAKARTA - Many people like to come to the gym because there are many choices of sports equipment. However, often women who are just starting to dig are still confused about which equipment they want to use. Apart from not knowing how to use it, usually because they don't dare to try heavy equipment.

Renewable gym users are advised to try out sports equipment in stages. For the first time, you should not immediately use heavy equipment. Start with a type of equipment that is light or does not require difficult movement.

If you immediately use heavy equipment without getting used to it and know the technique, it is feared that you could get injured. For those of you who are just starting a sports routine, there are several gym tools for female beginners to choose from.

Women who are just starting to dig are usually still not confident enough to try out the available equipment. Some women may also not be used to using heavy equipment, such as barbells, leg press, bench press, and others.

Beginners are reminded not to force themselves too much or rush to use heavy equipment. Among the many equipment in the gym, there are some tools that are friendly to beginners.

The following are recommendations for several gym tools that are suitable for female beginners to be safe and not injured.

One of the gym equipment that is suitable for female beginners is hack squats. This equipment is shaped like a slightly tilted position and there is a support for the shoulder.

To use this tool, you only need to lean your back and attach your shoulders to the loadlifting pad, as well as the position of your legs opened as wide as your shoulders and bent. Before starting using it, set the load on each side according to your abilities or desires.

The movement in using this tool is to lean while squatting, then lift the load upward with a pole on the shoulders and hands. This tool helps you train the lower muscles of the body, starting from the calf, back thigh, front thigh, and buttocks.

Treadmill is a favorite of many women's equipment while in the gym. Apart from not needing weightlifting, the use of this tool is also very easy. You just stand on the treadmill, adjust speed, and run following your footing rate.

This tool is intended for those of you who want to exercise cardio to train the respiratory organs. Treadmill is widely used to burn calories and lose weight. In addition, running on a treadmill also helps increase the strength of leg muscles, hips, and buttocks.

Other gym equipment that is easy to use for beginners is a static bike. This equipment is shaped like a bicycle with pedaling, but the movements are silent on the spot. This tool is perfect for those of you who want to do cardio exercise and burn body calories.

When using a static bicycle, you can set your own speed or rhythm of pedaling. Adjust the speed to your needs and abilities. Exercise with this tool is not only useful for burning fat, but also activates the muscles of your feet, thighs, and buttocks.

Leg extension machine is a tool designed for leg muscle strength training. This gym tool is suitable for beginners who want to strengthen and tighten the front thigh. In addition, the movement when using this tool can also increase the strength of the ligament around the joints.

How to use this tool is very easy, namely you just have to sit down and put your feet on your back. Wear your back, then move your feet up to lift the load. Don't forget to set the load according to your abilities and desires.

Other gym equipment that beginners need to try is lat pulldown machine. This tool is used to train the back muscles, chest, and lower armpits or what is commonly called wings.

How to use a pulldown lat tool is quite simple and does not burden beginners. You just sit down while grabbing the iron or handle. Before that, first set how heavy the load you want to lift. Then you just move your hand down to pull the load. Repeat it over with a slow motion.

Beginners can also try a dual cable cross which is also simple. This equipment is used for hand strength, shoulders, and legs in maintaining balance.

You just need to stand between the dual cable cross and the position of the leg is opened as wide as the shoulder and the body is slightly leaning forward. Grab the handle in the cable still, then pull it into the chest at the same time. When pulling, keep the position of the leg so that it doesn't shift or waver.

Those are some gym tools for female beginners that you can try. When you first exercise in a gym, you should use light or easy tools first. If you do the movement or technique correctly, you can ask for guidance from a gym instructor. Also read fitness ethics in a gym place that needs to be applied.

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