YOGYAKARTA Pencak silat attacks that use legs are popular techniques and are often used to bring down opponents in martial arts matches.

In pencak silat, attacks that use legs are called kick techniques. Some parts of the legs that can be used to launch attacks, namely:

Before using this technique, it is important to pay attention to the basic attitude before launching a kick.

The basic attitude in question is tidal attitude. The tidal attitude is coordination of the stance of the horses, body attitude, and arm attitude.

The right position of the leg when doing the tidal attitude, namely:

Summarized from various sources, Tuesday, February 6, 2024, the following are various Pencak silat attacks that use feet:

1. Side kick

Side kick is a technique that involves side-to-side foot movements to attack opponents from different directions. This technique requires a good balance and high speed to produce a strong shot.

Here are the steps to kick your feet in pencak silat:

2. Back kick

The back kick is done using one leg and leg. When doing this technique, the track must be straight back and the body turns its back on the opponent.

This attack can be carried out with or without seeing the target. The target of this movement is all parts of the body.

Here's how to do a back kick in pencak silat:

3. Kick straight

The target of this one kick technique is the front of the opponent. A straight kick is done with the tip of the foot. Therefore, this field is also called the front kick.

The front kick is done with full strength and the target is the opponent's stomach.

Here's how to do a straight kick in pencak silat:

4. bow kick

How to do bow kick techniques, namely:

T did this pencak silat kick technique using the tip of the leg. Therefore, a straight kick is also called the front kick.

5. Kick jejag

The kick in the pencak silat others is a shock kick. This technique is carried out in a upright body position and straight forward track.

Here's how to do a jejag kick in pencak silat:

That's information about pencak silat attacks that use your feet. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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