YOGYAKARTA Boxing is one type of aerobic sport that can make the body feel fitter. This sport is generally mostly done by men because it has very high intensity. However, women also need to try out this sport. So, what is the reason women have to do boxing?

Summarized from various sources, Saturday, December 9, 2023, here are a series of reasons why women should try boxing or boxing:

1. Burn Many Kalori

Boxing or boxing is a high intensity sport. This means that this sport can burn a lot of calories.

Adapted from the So Femine page, boxing exercises for one hour can burn calories 300-500 calories, depending on weight and exercise intensity.

A female boxer who is already an expert and practicing boxing with high intensity can burn more than 500 calories per hour.

2. Train Arm Muscles and Excise

Most women have large arms and even moisturize because the fat reserves are more than men. Well, to tighten the arm muscles, women can do boxing.

Please note, boxing movement focuses on different muscles in the arm, such as tissue, bisep, and shoulders. This means that movements in boxing can help strengthen the upper body as well as tighten the arms.

3. Maintain heart health

Generally, women exercise to make their bodies fitter. However, don't forget the main goal of exercise, namely to have a healthy body longer. Well, to get a healthy body, you need a strong heart as long as possible.

According to John Kalu, a fitness trainer from LA Fitness in Los Angeles, boxing can strengthen the muscles of the heart and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease as well as a stroke.

Good boxing will make you breathe heavily and increase your heart rate, which is where the heart then pumps blood all over the body, "said Kalu.

4. Effective Bakar Fat

In addition to burning a lot of calories, boxing or boxing can also cut visceral fats, namely fats around the stomach.

You will get these benefits when combining boxing with other defense sports, such as pressups, lunges, and jumping squads which are carried out in conjunction with skipping.

5. Eliminating Stress

Boxing can also be used as a means of relieve stress. According to a study, boxing helps relieve physical and mental stress. This is because boxing can lower stress hormones such as cortisol, as well as increase endorphins which are fun-making substances.

It's not enough that boxing or boxing can also boost the mood naturally, which ultimately relieves stress.

6. Helping To Form A Good Body Posture

The reason women have to do boxing is the next regarding boxing benefits that can help shape a good posture.

By boxing, a person has the potential to gain flexibility and stability of the muscles of the stomach, back, and back. In addition, boxing can also reduce the curvature and hone fine motor skills.

7. Help Create A Strong Stomach Part

Boxing exercises involve every muscle in the body, especially the muscles of the stomach and shoulders. These body parts will feel stiff after doing the first session of training.

Good boxing exercises can tighten your arms, strengthen your shoulders, back, and help you create a strong abdomen.

That's information about women's reasons for boxing. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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