JAKARTA - Persib Bandung midfielder Dedi Kusnandar has recently become the subject of discussion because he is rumored to be signed by a rival team, Persija Jakarta. Responding to the news, Bambang Pamungkas also spoke up.

Bepe - Bambang Pamungkas' nickname - who is now the manager of Persija Jakarta has a rebuttal related to the news his club will recruit Dedi Kusnandar. According to the manager, the player in question is still playing at his home club and he also doesn't know anything about the beginning of the news.

"Regarding Dedi Kusnandar, to be honest, I don't know where the news came from. I also don't understand why there are rumors," said Bepe during a virtual press conference, Tuesday, November 2.

On the same occasion, Bepe did mention the recruitment of new players for the Kemayoran Tigers. He said that in a virtual meeting with Persija President, Mohamad Prapanca, he had already pocketed nine candidate names.

"When (meeting via) Zoom with Pak Panca, right now I have nine names (players) nominations that are likely to be considered by players who return from loan, additions, and so on, but this is still a possibility," Bepe continued.

Regarding the rumors of recruiting players in the 2021 Liga 1 second round of transfers, Persija has not actually bought players to fill the positions left by Marc Klok, Sandi Sute, Alfath Faathier, and Heri Susanto. Where the four players are known to leave Persija ahead of the start of the 2021 Liga 1 competition.

The performance of the Kemayoran Tigers, which was still inconsistent until the 10th week, became a strong impetus for the issue of recruiting new players. But besides that, the management still hopes that the current players can continue to improve their best performance for the team.

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