Google Maps Presents Sophisticated Features For Electric Vehicles, Easy To Find Charging
Google Maps' lustration provides EV charging pointings. (Photo: Dok Arenaev)

JAKARTA - The more people turn to electric vehicles, creating a greater need to find a comfortable charging site. In an effort to meet this need, Google Maps has presented a new revolutionary feature.

Quoted from ArenaEV, Thursday, April 18, Google Maps now offers electric vehicle owners easier access and more complete information about charging stations. This new feature helps users find charging locations with unprecedented precision, even when they are in unknown places.

"With this update, you can not only find a charging location, but also plan your trip better," said Google Maps' official statement. This feature not only provides clues about charging locations, but also provides valuable additional information, such as waiting times, available connector types, and even reviews from other users.

With the help of artificial intelligence (AI), Google Maps also provides recommendations that are tailored to the user's vehicle battery level. This feature allows travel planning to be more efficient, by suggesting stopping at strategic charging points along the route.

"We are constantly trying to improve the user experience, and in the next few months, we will present a personalized summary based on user reviews," the statement added. This will help users find charging sites that suit their needs and preferences.

Thus, Google Maps is not only a map, but is also a reliable partner for electric vehicle owners in carrying out their mobility more comfortably and efficiently.

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