JAKARTA - At the end of April, the automotive industry was shocked by falsification of 88,000 data from the hit test conducted by Daihatsu, so that there were several models affected by this scandal, including vehicles from the parent company, Toyota Motor Corp.

Recently, the Japanese company received the results of the investigation from the Independent Committee of the Third Party chaired by Makoto Kaiami. He was assigned by Daihatsu to examine several procedural irregularities.

The press conference was held today, Wednesday, December 20, by the Independent Third Party Committee, Daihatsu, and Toyota regarding this matter. The press conference can be seen through the Youtube channel below:

In the results of the report, 174 new cases were found in 25 testing items, apart from the manipulation of the pole side hit test last May. The report states that there are irregularities in 64 models and 3 machines, including models that are under development or production is stopped.

Some of these models include vehicles supplied as OEM models to Toyota, Mazda, and Subaru. Thus, the company decided to temporarily suspend the delivery of all models developed by Daihatsu, both in Japan and abroad.

"We sincerely apologize to our customers and other stakeholders for causing inconvenience and concern and betraying their trust," Daihatsu wrote on its official website, Wednesday, December 20.

The company has reported and consulted with relevant parties, including the Ministry of Defense, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism as well as relevant authorities in each country, and continues the necessary actions.

In the final stages of the investigation, Daihatsu tested the airbag Daihatsu Move/Subaru Stella, Daihatsu Cast/Toyota Pixis Joy, and Daihatsu Gran Max/Toyota Town Ace/Mazda Bongo, and found irregularities in the airbag deployment computer (ECU) system that is not the same as other products sold en masse.

Technical verification reveals that there is no problem with the performance of airbag passenger protection, but as long as verification is determined that there is a possibility of security performance related to the safety performance of passengers (open gates)' from the Cast/Pixis Joy model in side-collision tests not meeting regulations.

"Currently, we are not aware of any information on the accident related to this incident, but we are conducting thorough technical verification and investigating the cause, and will immediately take the necessary action," continued Daihatsu.

It is hoped that the automotive manufacturer will implement comprehensive measures to prevent the occurrence of the same incident in the future, based on recommendations from the Independent Third Party Committee, including reviewing and revising the implementation of certification and massive reforms of the company's culture.

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