JAKARTA - All neighborhood units (RT) in DKI Jakarta are currently in the yellow zone and the green zone for COVID-19. There are no more RTs with red and orange zone statuses.

The red zone status means that there is a high risk of COVID-19 transmission, the orange zone means moderate risk, the yellow zone means low risk, and the green zone has no COVID-19 cases.

"Thank God, since yesterday, October 25, 2021, there are no more red and orange RT zones in Jakarta," said Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria in his statement, Tuesday, October 26.

Based on the distribution of RT data for the period 25 to 31 October 2021, RTs with yellow zones in Jakarta are 424 RTs and green zones are 30.058. The total RT in the capital is 30.482 RT.

Riza said that this achievement could occur because of the cohesiveness of all citizens in carrying out health protocols.

It is observed, currently monitoring compliance with social distancing and avoiding crowds in Jakarta is 86.05 percent and compliance with wearing masks in Jakarta is 92.51 percent.

In addition, the number of people who died from COVID-19 in DKI Jakarta has also fallen. In the last 20 days, 9 of them had zero deaths.

"Every achievement is a warning, once again we emphasize that every achievement is a warning. We will definitely return to the red and orange zones, if we are not disciplined, and don't let us be the trigger for the case to rise again," said Riza.

"This data should make us more disciplined because we don't want cases to rise again. Don't let this make us careless, I'm sure we will continue to stick together to maintain health protocols," he continued.

Currently, Jakarta is implementing Level 2 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) from October 19 to November 1, 2021. As of yesterday, there were 1.053 active cases of COVID-19 in the capital, with a total of 860.962 positive cases.

Then, the cure rate for COVID-19 in Jakarta reached 98.3 percent and the death rate was 1.6 percent. The percentage of positive cases or the positivity rate in the past week was 0.5 percent.

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