JAKARTA - Member of Commission XI of the Indonesia House of Representatives from the Golkar Party faction, Mukhamad Misbakhun, assessed that in the two years of Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin's administration, improvements in the economy have continued to be accompanied by improvements in health.

Efforts to strengthen from upstream to downstream, according to him, have succeeded in suppressing the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

This, he said, can be seen from the decline in active cases in Indonesia to 16,697 as of October 19, 2021. This number is lower than India, the US, Brazil, Germany, France, and the UK.

"At the same time, the recovery rate of COVID-19 patients in Indonesia has reached 96.2 percent, higher than the global cure rate of 90.6 percent. Meanwhile, Indonesia's positivity rate is below 0.5 percent with a reproduction rate of under 1 percent", said Misbakhun during a press conference at the Golkar Office, Slipi, Jakarta, Friday, October 22.

In addition to the strategy of limiting community mobility, according to Misbakhun, the acceleration of vaccination is also the key to suppressing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. "As of October 19, 2021, the total dose of vaccination that has been carried out in Indonesia has reached 174 million doses, bringing Indonesia to the 5th position in the world", he said.

As a step to restore public confidence in carrying out economic activities, the government has committed to continue to accelerate the vaccination process. Among other things, through cooperation with the private sector in encouraging the acceleration of the cooperation vaccination program.

Misbakhun said that the absolute requirement for the Indonesian economy to recover is to maintain the handling of the pandemic so that the third wave of COVID-19 does not occur.

Therefore, the East Java Legislator hopes that 80 percent of the people have been vaccinated by the end of this year. Meanwhile, the second dose could be completed in the first quarter of next year.

"For the economic recovery to continue next year, especially for the health and social protection sectors", said Misbakhun.

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