AMBON - Two of the six defendants in the alleged criminal act of counterfeiting the rapid antigen and GeNose letters were sentenced to 1.5 years in prison by the public prosecutor of the Maluku High Prosecutor's Office.

"Ask the panel of judges who examined and tried this case to declare the defendant legally and convincingly proven guilty of violating Article 263 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code", said Public Prosecutor, Ester Wattimury, in Ambon, as reported by Antara, Thursday, October 14.

The two defendants were named Hawa Angkotasan and Siti Salamessy. Defendant Hawa Angkotasan is a state civil servant (ASN) who serves at Dr. Ishak Umarella Tulehu Emergency Hospital, while Siti Salampessy is a private employee.

The prosecutor's demands were delivered in a trial led by the chairman of the Ambon District Court panel of judges, Julianty Wattimury, and accompanied by two-member judges.

Some things are aggravating for the two defendants to be jailed because their actions do not at all support the government's efforts to reduce the level of the spread of the Coronavirus, and their actions can result in the spread of the virus.

"The defendants were also involved in the trial", said the Public Prosecutor.

Meanwhile, what was mitigating was that the defendants had never been convicted and they promised not to repeat their actions.

The panel of judges adjourned the trial until next week with the agenda of hearing the defense counsel for the defendants.

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