JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of Central Kalimantan, Edy Pratowo, has determined that face-to-face learning (PTM) is limited to SMA, SMK, and SLB schools in all regencies and cities in the local province.

"This declaration follows up on the instructions of the Minister of Home Affairs and the results of the three-week trial", said the Deputy Governor on the sidelines of the launch of a limited PTM at SMA Negeri 1 school Palangka Raya, as reported by Antara, Monday, October 11.

According to him, the results of the limited PTM trials that have been carried out by schools both in provincial capitals and other regions have gone well and smoothly. For that, starting from today, limited PTM starts.

In practice, each school prepares arrangements for students who attend school based on their class, so that limited PTM is carried out strictly and supervised as well as possible.

Even face-to-face meetings are only 50 percent, as in SMA Negeri 1 school Palangka Raya, 50 percent in the morning and 50 percent in the afternoon. In addition, one of the conditions for a limited PTM is to get approval from the parents of students.

"Every week we continue to evaluate, hopefully, COVID-19 will continue to subside until conditions return to normal. If new cases are found, they will be temporarily closed", said Edy.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Central Kalimantan Education Office, Syaifudi, said that around 401 SMA, SMK, and SLB had been prepared to carry out limited PTM simultaneously.

"The implementation, as a legal basis, still refers to the Joint Decree (SKB) of the four ministers, the instructions of the Minister of Home Affairs, to the limited PTM guidelines for SMA, SMK and SLB during the pandemic period of the 2021/2022 academic year by the Education Authorities", he said.

In its implementation, there is a regulation on the number of students attending school, using online and offline methods. "Regulation of the number of student attendance because PTM is limited in essence is also limited", said Syaifudi.

He gave an example if in one classroom under normal conditions there are 36 students, during the pandemic with PPKM (Community Activity Restrictions) level two and three, they are divided into 50 percent, namely 18 at school and 18 at home.

His party will also conduct periodic evaluations and if everything goes well without any problems, the percentage of those present can be increased to 60 percent.

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