JAKARTA - AR (23) who made a false report at the Central Jakarta Metro Police is threatened with Article 220 of the Criminal Code. As a result of his actions, AR was forced to serve a sentence of 1 year and 4 months in prison according to the article stipulated by the police.

East Jakarta Metro Police Deputy Chief, AKBP Fanani, said that the motive for AR's actions was because the suspect was unable to pay his date, so his motorbike and cellphone were taken.

"Perpetrators have to pay IDR 500 thousand (open BO services). AR works as a salesperson", he told reporters, Monday, October 11.

AKBP Fanani explained that because AR did not pay, the perpetrators confiscated his valuables in the Bekasi apartment area. However, continued Fanani, AR actually reported to his family or other people that he was robbed and made a false report at the East Jakarta Police.

"Regarding the confiscation case in the Bekasi apartment, the case is under investigation by the South Bekasi Police and has been reported there", he said.

As previously reported, the East Jakarta Metro Police exposed the practice of false reporting by AR (23), a young victim of a prostitution ring through the open BO Michat application.

AR, who was unable to pay for online prostitution services to a female sex worker in an apartment in the Bekasi area, caused her motorbike and cellphone to be stolen by her friends.

AR also engineered the robbery incident he experienced. He made a false report as if he was a victim of a robbery in the East Flood Canal (KBT) area, Pondok Kopi Village, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta.

AR reported the incident of fraudulent engineering to the Police Service Center (SPK) of the East Jakarta Metro Police on Wednesday, October 6, yesterday.

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