JAKARTA - TNI Commander Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto led a national pilgrimage ceremony and flower-laying procession in the pouring rain at the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery (TMP), South Jakarta, Monday, October 4 evening.

This pilgrimage and flower sowing was carried out ahead of the commemoration of the 76th Anniversary of the TNI which falls on October 5, 2021.

The pilgrimage and flower distribution were also attended by the Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Yudo Margono, Air Force Chief of Staff, Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo, Deputy Army Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Bakti Agus Fadjari, and Head of TNI, Lt. Gen. Eko. Margiyono.

"Today we are carrying out a series of activities for the 76th anniversary with the theme 'United, Fighting, We Will Win'", said the TNI Commander after the ceremony reported by Antara.

According to him, the pilgrimage and the sowing of flowers are a form of synergy between the three dimensions of the TNI.

"It is a form of solidity, the synergy between the TNI AD, TNI AL, and TNI AU to carry out defense functions to carry out TNI duties", said the former Chief of Staff of the Air Force.

The TNI commander and the chief of staff sprinkle flowers on the tomb of the 3rd President of the Republic of Indonesia BJ Habibie to the tomb of the Revolutionary Hero.

In addition to TMP Kalibata, pilgrimage activities and flower-giving were carried out at the grave of the 1st President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno, led by Pangdam V/Brawijaya Maj. Gen. Suharyanto, in Blitar, East Java.

Then the grave of the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid led by Dankodiklatal Admiral Nurhidayat in Jombang.

Furthermore, the grave of General Suharto at Astana Giri Bangun, Solo, Central Java, led by Commander IV/Diponegoro Major General Rudianto and Commander in Chief General Sudirman at TMP Kusuma Negara Semaki Yogyakarta led by Governor of the Air Force Academy (AAU) Junior Marshal TNI, Nanang Santoso.

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