JAKARTA - The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) conveyed that the use of the Village Fund for the 2022 fiscal year is prioritized to support national economic recovery due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The use of Village Funds is for national economic recovery", said the Director-General of Village and Rural Development, Kemendes PDTT, Sugito in a written statement received in Jakarta, Friday.

He explained that there are several things in the use of village funds, first, poverty alleviation to create a village without poverty.

Second, the development and development of productive economic enterprises, which are prioritized to be managed by Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) or Joint Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDesma) to realize environmentally conscious village consumption and production.

Third, the establishment, development, and capacity building of BUMDes or BUMDesma management for equitable village economic growth.

Sugito said poverty alleviation to create a village without poverty is in line with the first SDGs goal of the Village.

"Poverty in villages throughout Indonesia is targeted to reach zero percent by 2030", said Sugito in an online lecture at the Village Academy.

He added that in realizing the village without poverty, several activities can be carried out with the Village Fund, including reducing the expenditure burden. In addition, providing social assistance in the form of BLT (Cash Direct Assistance) and increasing income by empowering MSMEs, developing local economies, and providing job access through PKTD (Village Cash Intensive Program).

He said the priority for using village funds in 2022 had been set on August 24, 2021, in the Regulation of the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration No. 7 of 2021.

Not much different from before, these priorities are adjusted to the pandemic conditions which are predicted to continue.

In its determination, the priority of using the Village Fund also uses principles that include humanity, justice, diversity, the balance of nature, and national strategic policies based on village authority.

"All village communities have equal access, place humanity with the same dignity. No one should be harmed, both in planning and using village funds", he said.

He stated that Indonesia has 74,961 villages that have different characteristics, so diversity is one of the principles and social capital that must be managed properly.

"Natural balance means that this development must not be destructive, including it must be beneficial for future generations. Lastly, the village is an integral part of the concept of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, so what is a national strategic policy must be a reference in setting priorities for the use of Village Funds", said Sugito.

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