SURABAYA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin inspected the construction of the Halal Safe and Lock Halal Industrial Park in Sidoarjo Regency, East Java. The development of this area is one of the efforts to develop the Indonesian Islamic economy and finance.

During his visit, the Vice President said that Indonesia has great potential in developing the halal industry, including natural resources (SDA) and human resources (HR).

"We have great potential, both in terms of natural resources and entrepreneurs, which we have not developed well", said Ma'ruf, Thursday, September 30.

Meanwhile, East Java Governor, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, said KIH Safe 'n Lock Sidoarjo is the first halal industrial area in East Java and the first in Indonesia to operate for MSME players. This area is also expected to support a system, to encourage the development of the halal product industry in Indonesia.

"Indonesia with the largest Muslim population in the world has the opportunity to take the opportunity to develop halal products. This KIH will be a support system in product development and the halal industry", said Khofifah.

According to Khofifah, the existence of KIH Safe 'n Lock Sidoarjo will encourage the consumption of halal products globally. This, he said, became a great opportunity for SMEs in East Java to produce halal products of international standard.

"The potential need for halal products is estimated to reach 62 percent in the Asia Pacific by 2030. Currently, halal products have even become a global lifestyle", she said.

Khofifah said, the construction of the Safe 'n Lock Halal Industrial Estate (KIH) in Sidoarjo which has received a certificate from the Ministry of Industry Number: 373/KPAAII/X/2020 on October 22, 2020, which has met the criteria and requirements as the first Halal Industrial Estate in Indonesia. East Java. KIH Safe 'n Lock itself provides 118 units of Standard Factory Building (SFB) with various facilities such as halal management offices and mosques.

To date, said Khofifah, 22 units have been sold out of the 32 unit development target, and 38 units will be built in 2022. KIH safe and lock has succeeded in attracting investment interest from Amin Bio Group from China, in building a halal gelatin factory partnership in Sidoarjo, as a form of strengthening halal product branding.

"In addition to the support system for the development of halal products, HIPS (High Impact Polystyrene factory design) will also be able to lift and open the MSME market for Halal Products to the international market. This is in line with the contribution of MSMEs to East Java's GDP of 57.25 percent", she said.

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