JAKARTA - The Ummat Party has instructed its functionaries and party cadres to watch together (nobar) the PKI G30S Betrayal Eradication Film.

This instruction was conveyed to all functionaries, cadres, members, and sympathizers of the Ummat Party. It is also advised to continue to apply health protocols such as maintaining distance.

"@partaiummatofficial invites all children of the nation not to forget the dangers of the PKI. By watching the G30SPKI film, we refuse to forget the barbarity of the PKI. #g30spki #lawankezaliman," reads the instruction quoted from the @partaiummatofficial Instagram page, Wednesday, September 29.

The General Chairman of the Ummat Party, Ridho Rahmadi, also reminded about the incident 56 years ago. Which is always remembered every September 30.

"For those who already know, don't ever forget. For those who just know, listen carefully, because maybe later, it won't be in your history book anymore," Ridho said on his Instagram page @ridhorahmadiofficial, Wednesday, September 29.

The son-in-law of Amien Rais said that in Jakarta, 56 years ago, in the early hours of October 1, 1965, several groups of troops under the leadership of Lt. Col. Untung kidnapped and killed 6 generals and 1 officer.

Lieutenant General Ahmad Yani, Major General Raden Soeprapto, Major General Mas Tirtodarmo Haryono, Major General Siswondo Parman, Brigadier General Donald Isaac Panjaitan, Brigadier General Sutoyo Siswodiharjo, First Lieutenant Pierre Andreas Tendean.

The bodies of the heroes were put into the well at Lubang Buaya there. 75 cm in diameter with a depth of 12 meters. "How savage!" he insisted.

In Yogyakarta, Brigadier General Katamso and Colonel Sugiyono were tortured and killed, put in a hole in Kentungan.

"This bloody tragedy was masterminded by the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), chaired by DN Aidit," he wrote.

The PKI, said Ridho, wanted to seize power and replace Pancasila with the ideology of communism.

"With the help of Allah SWT, the rebellion was a total crow. If only God had not helped the Indonesian nation at that time, perhaps this Republic would be just a story," said Ridho.

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