JAKARTA - Member of the PSI faction of the DKI DPRD (Regional House of Representatives), Eneng Malianasari, re-explained the reason for her party submitting the proposed Interpellation of Formula E to DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan.

This was conveyed by Eneng in the Formula E interpellation plenary meeting with the agenda of submitting the proposed interpellation rights from the proposing factions, namely PDIP and PSI.

"From an economic point of view, profit and loss are only IDR 200 billion. But who is this profit for? Where is it?", said Eneng at the DKI DPRD Building, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, September 28.

Looking at the implementation of Formula E abroad, in Montreal for example, Eneng said that 78 percent of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) actually experienced losses on the merchandise sold in the event because the capital expenditure was greater than income.

Thus, Eneng doubts that MSMEs will be able to trade and make a profit if Formula E is held in Jakarta.

"If Formula E is here, who do you think can sell there? Can starling-starlings (coffee sellers) sell? Chicken noodle carts, batagor, siomay Bandung can sell there or not? Or is it only for certain tenders?", she asked

Then, Eneng also highlighted the price of a ticket for an electric car racing event in another country, which set a tariff of around IDR 500 thousand to IDR 700 thousand. Eneng also doubts that Formula E-tickets will sell. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing and economic conditions have not fully recovered.

"Today, for Jakarta residents, who will buy tickets at that price? If you look at the ticket price, this is twice the social assistance fee of IDR 300 thousand per month. Do we have to fast to watch Formula E? I think that's very unwise", explained Eneng.

"We also question where the analysis of the profits of Formula E is. Obviously, we see that there are losses in Moscow, Montreal, which have already been lost. How dare Jakarta dare to do this, while others have chosen to stop it", she concluded.

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