JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said that Indonesia did not want to be missed again by the new variant of COVID-19. The entry of new variants causes an increase in cases or transmission rates.

"Indonesia doesn't want to miss out again like what happened during the Delta variant, so we finally got a fairly high increase of up to 56.000. We don't want to repeat that," said Vice President Ma'ruf after reviewing the COVID-19 vaccination to reporters in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, September 23.

To control the emergence of new variants of the virus, the Vice President continued, the government is now tightening the entrances from other countries to Indonesia, both in land, sea, and air transportation routes.

"The first thing we prepare is the entrance, either by air, sea, or land. It will be tightened," he said.

In addition, Indonesian citizens and foreign nationals who enter Indonesian territory must quarantine and receive strict supervision.

"People who will travel are also monitored, both in quarantine and other requirements. So, apart from vaccination, prevention will also continue," he said.

Regarding health care, the government is also preparing hospitals and health facilities in various regions to anticipate a spike in the number of transmission cases.

"We don't want to be missed, namely the preparation of hospitals with all kinds of necessary needs, such as oxygen and medicines. This continues to be prepared," he said.

With these various anticipatory efforts, the Vice President said that Indonesia was ready to face the possibility of a surge or new variant of COVID-19.

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin reviewed the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination for media workers and the general public at Bentara Budaya Jakarta, Thursday.

The Vice President also appreciated the vaccination center for media workers because it can accelerate communal immunity in Indonesia nationally.

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