JAMBI - Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Nadiem Anwar Makarim stated that vaccination should "catch up" with the implementation of face-to-face learning (PTM).

With the completion of the vaccination, educational units from early childhood to tertiary institutions are able to carry out limited PTM in education units.

"During the current COVID-19 pandemic, the government has instructed to open PTM as soon as possible, from schools to universities, after PTM vaccination can accelerate," said Nadiem Makarim, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, September 21.

The implementation of limited PTM in the education unit is a direct direction from the President. President Joko Widodo directed that education units from level one to level three could implement limited PTM. And the PTM was carried out by taking into account the implementation of the COVID-19 health protocol.

During his visit to Jambi, Nadiem appreciated the enthusiasm of the educators and students to carry out limited PTM. He appreciated this spirit because he claimed to have seen the spirit and spirit of the world of education which began to roll again.

"The most important thing now is that children are returning to school to take part in PTM, although with the restrictions on health protocols, we must accelerate face-to-face meetings," said Mas Minister, as Nadiem Makarim is familiarly called.

Mas Minister explained that the implementation of the limited PTM is a common interest. If PTM is not implemented, it is feared that one generation will lose knowledge and skills, either in general or in particular, or commonly referred to as "learning lost".

Where this can occur due to a prolonged gap or not implementing the education process continuously.

Nadiem emphasized that the implementation of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on schools, especially the private sector. So this is one of the reasons why it is very important to accelerate limited PTM in schools.

"Let's return the children to school so they don't experience generation loss which has a permanent impact. Hopefully, in the next one, two weeks, PAUD, SD, and SMP education units in Jambi can implement limited PTM," said Nadiem Makarim.

In addition, the Mendikbudristek also encouraged the Jambi Provincial Government to be able to propose the formation of honorary teachers to be able to take the first aid admission test. Because the first-aid test for honorary teachers has only been carried out again after the last few decades.

The central government also provides guarantees to local governments that the budget for incentives for first aid workers will be borne by the central government. But if you can't form, you can't position honorary teachers to enter first aid kit.

"In October the second round of formations will be opened, if Jambi has not submitted a formation, please submit a formation so that next year it can carry out first aid reception for honorary teachers," said Nadiem Makarim.

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