JAKARTA - Ancol Dreamland Park is preparing to reopen its tourist area. This is because the government currently allows 20 tourist areas in the PPKM (Community Activity Restrictions) Level 3 area to conduct trials for opening tourist attractions.

The President Director of PT Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Teuku Sahir Syahali, explained that the opening time had not been determined because the DKI Provincial Government had not yet decided.

However, preparations have been made, starting from improving health protocols based on CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environment) to using the PeduliLindung application.

"In the future, visitors who will go on recreation to Taman Impian Jaya Ancol will have to equip themselves with the PeduliLindung application", Teuku said in his statement, Thursday, September 9.

Teuku explained that this application serves as an initial screening process to implement 3T (testing, tracing, treatment). Visitors who are allowed to enter the Ancol area are those aged over 12 years and must have been vaccinated at least the first dose.

To carry out supervision and monitoring consistently during the operation of the Ancol recreation area, Management will deploy officers who act as task force patrolling in the Ancol area.

Teukun ensures that all Ancol Dreamland Park recreation units such as Dunia Fantasi, Ocean Dream Samudra, Sea World Ancol, and Allianz Ecopark are equipped with a CHSE certificate, including several restaurants inside. All employees and officers at Taman Impian Jaya Ancol have also been vaccinated 100 percent.

"We hope that the trial process for opening a recreation area can be utilized as well as possible by people who have longed for a vacation at Ancol Dreamland Park. For this reason, let us be disciplined in implementing health protocols properly so that holiday activities are safe and enjoyable”, he concluded.

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