JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission X DPR RI Hetifah Sjaifudian said that her party rejected one of the rules in the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation (Permendikbud) Number 6 of 2021 concerning Technical Guidelines for Regular BOS Management. The DPR's rejection came after NU and Muhammadiyah rejected the regulation.

It is known, the article in the Permendikbud in question is that the school arrangement that can receive BOS funds must have a number of students of at least 60 students for the last 3 years.

Hetifah understands that this Permendikbud is directed at improving the quality of education, but in practice, this policy has the potential to hinder children's right to education.

Therefore, Hetifah asked Mendikbudristek Nadiem Makarim to abolish the regulation and continue to distribute BOS funds for each student to schools in need.

"This policy is inappropriate to implement during a pandemic where most schools, especially private schools, are concerned," Hetifah said in a statement, Sunday, September 5.

Moreover, according to Hetifah, the small number of students in a school does not mean that the quality of education provided by the school is bad. Using BOS funds as an instrument to "punish" schools that provide substandard services is also not the right policy.

She continued, if there are schools that provide education services below the standard, the central and regional governments should provide intensive guidance.

"If for various reasons it is still difficult to repair, then in order to protect the rights of students to get a decent and quality education, then there must be firmness from the local government to close these schools. Of course, keep paying attention to the fate of existing teachers and students, for example by transferring them to the nearest school," she said.

Previously, the education alliance consisting of Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama, Catholic Educational Institutions, Tamansiswa, and PGRI considered Permendikbud 6/2021 to be discriminatory and did not fulfill a sense of social justice.

"The Alliance of Education Providers has stated that it rejects Permendikbud Number 6 of 2021 concerning Technical Guidelines for Regular BOS Management, especially Article 3 paragraph (2) letter d concerning Schools Recipient of Regular BOS Funds," wrote the Attitude Statement signed by six inter-organizational institutions.

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