District II Of Education Agency: 1.748 Students Have Not Been Vaccinated Yet, Students With Comorbidities Still Studying Online
Illustration of a COVID-19 test kit. (Wikimedia Commons/dronepicr)

JAKARTA - Head of Regional II Education Sub-Department Uripasih confirmed that there are still 1.748 students who have not been vaccinated in Educational Area II yet. It follows that students have comorbidities and survivors. The age of students with comorbidities ranged from 12 to 17 years.

"Out of a total of 1.748 students, 265 students have comorbidities and 1.483 students have survived COVID-19", she told reporters, Thursday, August 2.

For students who have not been vaccinated, continued Uripasih, later they will be vaccinated after 3 months after being exposed to COVID-19. Her party will also coordinate with the public health center (puskesmas) in vaccinating students who have not been vaccinated.

"I have coordinated with the puskesmas regarding students who have not been vaccinated. If they have passed 3 months, they will be vaccinated immediately", she said.

However, students who have not participated in the vaccination will receive an easing so that they can participate in face-to-face learning schools (PTM). However, students who take part in PTM are only children who have survived COVID-19.

"Because this is still a COVID-19 pandemic, comorbid students are better off joining online learning", she said.

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