INDRAMAYU – Restricting the mobility of residents during the Level 3 PPKM period in the regional city center, the Indramayu Police Traffic Unit, West Java, has begun to conduct a trial of traffic engineering for the odd-even traffic system.

"We are starting the odd-even trial (for several roads in Indramayu Regency)," said Indramayu Police Traffic Unit Head, Police Commissioner Adjutant Bambang Sumitro in Indramayu, quoting Antara, Saturday, August 28.

Bambang said traffic engineering with an odd-even system was carried out on roads that often experienced vehicle density or crowds of residents' mobility.

To parse and reduce mobility, especially in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Police will enforce the system.

However, Bambang continued, everything was done when the traffic flow increased and when it was still smooth, it would not be enforced.

"We will adjust it according to the situation and conditions of traffic flow, if there is a density, it will be enforced," he said.

The odd-even system has only been tested for motorized vehicles on the Indramayu protocol route and will only be tested for the next three days.

This step was taken as a form of prevention in reducing community mobility during the Level 3 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in Indramayu Regency.

"In this odd-even system, there are exceptions, namely vehicles for the TNI, Polri and other relevant agencies, ambulances, and vehicles for transporting basic necessities," he said.

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