JAKARTA - Secretary-General of the NasDem Party, Johnny G Plate, hopes that the presence of the Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) as a new friend of the coalition supporting the government of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin will enrich new views and ideas.

This was conveyed by him after attending a meeting of the coalition parties supporting the government at the State Palace, Jakarta, today, Wednesday, August 25. During the meeting, PAN Chairman, Zulkifli Hasan, and PAN Secretary-General, Eddy Soeparno, were present at the invitation of President Jokowi.

"Our new friends in the coalition are strengthening and enriching new ideas and views to continue the government and fill democracy in Indonesia", Johnny said at a press conference at his residence, Wednesday, August 25.

He said this meeting which took place this afternoon was full of intimacy but also full of focus. Five things were discussed between the general chairman and President Jokowi, namely the development and evaluation of the challenges in handling the COVID-19 pandemic; national economy; economic and business strategy; state administration; and the new National Capital.

"The President delivered an introduction which was responded by the general chairman of political parties starting with Mrs. Megawati, the Chairperson of PDIP and closed by the General Chairperson of NasDem Surya Paloh, who essentially gave a very high appreciation for the performance of the President, cabinet members, the performance of the regional government, the performance of the apparatus, and the community. we can handle COVID-19 better", said Johnny.

During the meeting, he also said that the General Chairman of PAN, Zulkifli Hasan, had the opportunity to express his views and thanked him for being invited.

"Of course, as a new friend in the coalition, especially Mr. Zul, the former chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly, from the MPR's perspective, it is quite clear how deliberation is suitable for Indonesia", said Johnny.

He also said that all the general chairman and secretary-general of the coalition parties who were present also welcomed the presence of PAN. "We hope that after PAN joins, there will be more diverse ideas for the running of the government", he concluded.

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