TULUNGAGUNG – Violating the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) Level 4, a shadow puppet entertainment activity held at the home of Basroni, a member of the DPRD in Kedungangkring Village, Gondang Tulungagung District, East Java, was dissolved by Satpol PP.

"Yes, last night we disbanded as soon as we received a public complaint," said a member of the Law Enforcement Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19, Artista Nindya Putra, quoting Antara, Sunday, August 22.

Joint officers consisting of elements of the Satpol PP, the police, and the TNI entered the arena at midnight and immediately asked for the puppet activities to be disbanded.

Realizing that his activities were forcibly stopped, Basroni could only surrender when officers asked for the event to be stopped. In fact, he could not refuse when the joint team then transported all the gamelan instruments to the sub-district office to ensure that the puppet show did not continue.

"From the Sub-District Task Force, the Three Pillars have been followed up and the hosts are also cooperative," he said.

In front of the officers, Basroni admitted that he held a puppet show as an annual routine to commemorate the month of Suro in the Javanese calendar.

However, the officers continued to disperse because the activity did not have a permit from the COVID-19 Task Force or village and sub-district officials.

According to Artista or who is familiarly called Genot, the board member actually knew that Wayang activities were prohibited during PPKM level 4.

The implementation of puppet activities or performances is considered a reckless act and endangers the public interest because it risks becoming a new transmission point for COVID-19.

"We will submit the sanctions to the District Task Force and DPRD," he said.

It was confirmed that the dissolution was carried out at around 21.30 western Indonesia time, shortly after the handover of the gunungan.

"The mastermind just received the gunungan, and then the live performances of the Task Force came," he explained.

He also admitted that the shadow puppet organizer was a member of the Tulungagung DPRD, Basroni. The mastermind was Eko Prisdianto, the former head of Kendalbulur Village, Boyolangu District.

Because they did not have a permit, the show was finally reported by the residents.

"I also don't know who reported it, but it is certain they didn't have a permit," he concluded.

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