JAKARTA - Beijing has reiterated its readiness to establish new diplomatic relations with Afghanistan under the Taliban if the situation in the country has stabilized and there are guarantees regarding tolerance and counter-terrorism.

This was conveyed by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian, in a press statement Wednesday local time, in line with the success of the Taliban in retaking Afghanistan.

The Taliban successfully entered Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, and occupied the presidential palace on Sunday, August 15, forcing President Ashraf Ghani to flee, as well as foreign countries evacuating diplomats and civilians from the country.

"It is possible to talk about whether China will establish new diplomatic relations with Afghanistan, only after a tolerant and open government is formed there that will adequately represent the interests of the country", Zhao quoted TASS as saying August 18.

According to a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Beijing's position on the Afghanistan issue was "clear and firm".

"We will wait and recognize the new government once it is formed", he added.

In addition to a tolerant and open government, China also hopes that the Taliban will provide guarantees for the safety and rights of civilians, as well as engage in the fight against terrorism.

"We expect the Taliban to start a violent war against terrorism, and this includes (against) the East Turkestan Islamic Movement", Zhao said.

Zhao underlined that the Taliban should not allow extremist groups to use Afghan soil to threaten neighboring countries.

"China will continue, together with other countries, to support the peace process in Afghanistan. The Taliban and all relevant parties must ensure the full security of foreign citizens and organizations", he concluded.

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