JAKARTA - The Kemayoran Sector Police managed to arrest a robber armed with a sharp knife when he was about to take action. The perpetrator is known to have the initials al AF (23), a resident of Gang Spor Dalam Street, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

This unemployed man was arrested by members of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kemayoran Police when he was about to act on Letjen Soeprapto Street, Cempaka Baru Village, Kemayoran, at around 03.00 WIB on Sunday, August 15.

The Head of Kemayoran Police, Kompol Ewo Samono, said that the arrest of the perpetrators began with information from the public that the perpetrators wanted to thwart. Luckily at the same time there were members of the Kemayoran Police who were anticipating illegal racing.

"The suspect was arrested by members of the Criminal Investigation Team while anticipating a clay race on Jalan Letjen Soeprapto, Cempaka Baru Village, Kemayoran. Evidence of the suspect's sickle was confiscated", Kompol Ewo told VOI, Sunday, August 15, afternoon.

According to witness information, previously he was grabbed by the suspect AF who was carrying a sharp weapon. Seeing that there was a police patrol in front of the road, the perpetrator immediately threw a one meter-sized sickle into the street to eliminate evidence.

"AF was seen throwing away sharp weapons that were previously riding with his friend. The suspect tried to grab the witness first. Based on this information, the perpetrator and evidence were secured", he said.

In order to process further investigations, AF along with the evidence of sickles were taken to the Kemayoran Police Headquarters.

"A sickle with a wooden handle and a motorbike with police number B 6515 PUU were taken to the Sector Police. The suspect was charged with Article 2 paragraph 1 of the Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951 concerning carrying, possessing, controlling sharp weapons without a valid permit. We are still developing the case", he said.

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