JAKARTA - A total of 37 suspected terrorists were arrested in a number of areas in Indonesia. The arrests were made by Densus 88/Anti-terror since Thursday, August 12.

"A total of 37 people," said Head of the Public Information Section (Kabag Penum) of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Grand Commissioner Ahmad Ramadhan, Saturday, August 14.

Police have not explained the role of those arrested with certain terrorist groups. But in a number of areas, those arrested were members of the Jamaah Islamiyah group.

The following is data on suspected terrorists who were arrested by Densus 88.

1. North Sumatra (6 people)

2. Jambi (3 people)

3. Lampung (7 people)

4. Banten (4 people)

5. West Java (2 people)

6. Central Java (10 people)

7. South Sulawesi (1 person)

8. Maluku (1 person)

9. West Kalimantan (1 person)

10. East Kalimantan (2 people)

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