JAKARTA - Army Chief of Staff, General Andika Perkasa, stated that the virginity test in the process of accepting candidates for the Women's Army Corps (Kowad) was no longer enforced.

"Previously the hymen or hymen was also an assessment, the hymen was intact, or the hymen was partially ruptured, or the hymen was completely ruptured. Now there is no such assessment anymore", Andika told reporters, Wednesday, August 11.

The virginity test was not enforced, Andika continued, to perfect the selection material. In this case, prioritize health over anything else.

"Those are all improvements so that what is no longer related, as I mentioned earlier, what is no longer related is no longer necessary. The reason is that the examination is not needed", said Andika.

On the other hand, the refinement of the selection process for prospective members of the Army must also be more effective. So, the prospective members who will be accepted will become great soldiers.

"This improvement is so that we are focused, effective and precise. Do not let it widen. So that we have a direction", said General Andika.

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