Gapura Public Health Center In Sumenep Madura Caught On Fire, Vice Regent Dewi Ensures Normal Health Services
Public Health Center fire in Sumenep (Photo: ANTARA)

JATIM - Deputy Regent (Wabup) of Sumenep Dewi Khalifah stated that health services and the handling of COVID-19 in Gapura District were not disturbed by the fire accident at the public health center (puskesmas).

"Although the Gapura Health Center experienced a fire, health services are still running, because in this sub-district there are two health centers", said Vice Regent Dewi when inspecting the location of the fire in Sumenep, East Java, as reported by Antara, Monday, August 9.

Wabup Dewi added that the fire scorched part of the Gapura Health Center. Some rooms in the puskesmas can still be used to treat patients.

"Take advantage of the existing room, and refer to another health center if it is not sufficient", she said.

In addition to reviewing the location of the fire, Dewi Khalifa also briefly conveyed socialization to the community and invited them to obey health protocols, in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the area.

According to her, Sumenep Regency was originally one of the districts with the least number of COVID-19 sufferers on Madura Island.

In its development, more and more people have been exposed to COVID-19, even Sumenep has ranked first in the number of active cases on Madura Island, due to many people who ignore health protocols.

"Therefore, let's take care of ourselves together, by remaining obedient to the discipline of health protocols", said the vice-regent.

The Gapura Health Center in Sumenep Regency, Madura Island, caught fire on Monday today at around 02.00 a.m. local time. According to the results of an investigation by the Gapura Police, the accident occurred due to a short circuit in the roof of the building.

Some of the equipment in a number of rooms at the puskesmas was burned to the ground, including office files and medical records of a number of patients.

"Thank God there were no fatalities, and material losses due to this disaster are estimated at more than IDR 80 million", said Gapura Police Chief Abd Salam.

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