TANJUNGPINANG - The Riau Islands Provincial Government (Kepri) provided social assistance in the form of cash to underprivileged communities who were confirmed to have COVID-19. Assistance is given in the amount of IDR 1 million to IDR 3 million per person.

"This effort is to ease the economic burden felt by the community due to the COVID-19 pandemic", said Riau Islands Governor Ansar Ahmad after the launch of this program from Wan Seri Beni Hall, Dompak, Tanjungpinang, quoted by Antara, Monday, August 9.

He explained that the assistance referred to Governor Regulation Number 31 of 2021 concerning Instructions for the Implementation of Social Assistance to Families Confirmed with COVID-19 since the implementation of Level 3 and 4 of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in the area.

According to Ansar Ahmad, this pandemic will not only have an impact on health, but also the economy of the community, such as declining purchasing power.

The criteria for receiving social assistance from the Riau Islands Provincial Government are COVID-19 positive families who have a daily income, heads of families who have been laid off or laid off, the elderly, disabled, and families who are vulnerable to poverty.

"The amount of assistance provided is IDR 1 million for families with confirmed COVID-19 and IDR 3 million for family members who died due to COVID-19", he said.

Ansar said this assistance would then be given directly to underprivileged families who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 so that when they undergo self-isolation for 14 days they will not leave the house again to look for daily living expenses.

"So with this assistance, there is no need to leave the house anymore, and not all families who are confirmed positive will receive it. Only those who meet the criteria", he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Riau Islands Provincial Social Service, Doli Boniara, stated that the recipient of the assistance was based on verified data in the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) of the Ministry of Social Affairs.

As of June 26 to July 2, data on families who received cash social assistance for the category confirmed positive for COVID-19 were 154 families, while recipients of social assistance for the category died from July 8 to August 2, 2021, as many as 644 people.

For those who are not registered in the DTKS, it is enough to use a certificate of incapacity from the subdistrict head. However, it must be ensured by the neighborhood unit that these residents are worthy of receiving social assistance.

"But with supervision that must be really clear", he said.

His party reminded all regents/mayors who were present virtually at the event, to supervise down to the village head level, so that no one would take advantage of the social assistance because this social assistance must be given right on target to those in need.

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