JAKARTA - Clinical and forensic psychologist Kasandra Putranto said one of the requirements to enter the Indonesian National Army (TNI) must be free from the influence of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) deviations.

"As a clinical and forensic psychologist, LGBT does not include mental disorders, even though social and religious norms include deviations. LGBT includes clinical deviations, social norms, and religion," Kasandra said in a written statement in Jakarta, Friday, July 24.

Kasandra appreciates and respects the firm position of the Navy Chief of Staff (Kasal) Admiral Yudo Margono to fire soldiers who are involved in one of the moral violations such as LGBT.

Kasandra emphasized that the prerequisites to become a TNI soldier must be respected. Even in Thailand, military service is only for men. Meanwhile, transgender people are free to not participate. Although outside the military, this (LGBT) does not apply as a prerequisite. For example, in the medical field, there is no problem with LGBT.

"Basically every profession does have certain standards that must be met, especially important and critical professions, such as pilots, soldiers, police, doctors, and others. The requirements of course depend on the needs of different work in the field," explained Kasandra.

Kasandra asked that every military leader should not focus on LGBT, but on the main requirements, such as that pilots are expected to be physically healthy, have no visual impairment, minus or color blindness. The issue of LGBT becomes sensitive because it involves the values ​​adopted in every profession.

"There are other professions that may not require this. But in Indonesia, it is still the main requirement that is free of LGBT, almost the same as during the New Order (Orba), there are discriminatory practices against people who may have involvement with the PKI so they must provide PKI free letter," said Kasandra.

Kasandra explained, until now LGBT seems to still be outside the main requirements to become the TNI. It is the same with pilots, police, and soldiers who cannot be color blind. The issue of color blindness is not discriminatory, but if pilots, police, and soldiers can't distinguish colors, it will make them unable to work independently.

Consistency in violation of immoral laws should be enforced and carried out by every three-dimensional TNI Chief of Staff. Firm action as well as showing personal integrity as a leader. Regarding the firm action against soldiers who are influenced by LGBT, Kasal Admiral TNI Yudo Margono has shown.

"The threat is dismissal from service," said Yudo when briefing the 66th Naval Academy (AAL) Taruna Taruna at the Indoor Sport Kesatrian Naval Academy, Bumimoro, Surabaya, East Java, last Wednesday, July 23.

Yudo said that real moral degradation is happening among the younger generation. Moreover, they include people who are very vulnerable to global influences.

"The LGBT movement is very much against the noble values ​​of religion and the ideology of the state. This is a moral threat that must be faced later," said Yudo.

In addition to LGBT moral violations, Yudo also gave threats of dismissal from service for soldiers whose fighting mentality was not in accordance with the state ideology, Sapta Marga, Soldier Oath, Eight Mandatory TNI, Trisila TNI Navy, and Hree Dharma Shanty.

In addition, according to Yudo, the current influx of radicalism and extremism into society is quite worrying, especially in the TNI environment, which is a state instrument.

"In the next generation of the Indonesian Navy, the challenges and the workload will be more severe, complex, and dynamic," he said.

Therefore, said Yudo, every Naval Academy graduate must have a strong character and the ability to lead as well as competence as a professional soldier. Cohesiveness between soldiers must also be maintained so that they can remind each other.

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