BANDAR LAMPUNG - Several residents of Bandar Lampung City, Lampung complained of difficulties in getting the COVID-19 vaccination. This is because the availability of vaccines at health centers that are used as vaccination centers by the local city is empty.

"I have been looking for vaccines for two weeks at the nearest health centers, but when they are empty, they say there has been no further distribution to them", said Ahmad Juni, one of the residents of Bandar Lampung, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 22.

He also hopes that the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine can be evenly distributed so that people who have not been vaccinated will get it immediately because it is very necessary for some people so that they are not easily exposed to the Coronavirus while carrying out their activities.

"If the vaccine hasn't come from the central government yet, I think it's taking too long even though people have been waiting to get vaccinated. At the public health center that I went to, there were already a lot of queues of people who wanted to be vaccinated, even those from last weeks didn't get it", he said.

Robani, another Bandarlampung resident said the same thing. "Yesterday I wanted to vaccinate, but there was no stock at the public health service", he said.

According to him, local governments should move quickly to pursue vaccines so that they become a top priority in the implementation of vaccinations because the increase in cases is now high.

"The number of cases in Lampung is already high, so the regional government must be proactive in asking the central government about this, even though there are many deaths, why are vaccines empty and we are not a priority", he said.

Bandar Lampung Mayor, Eva Dwiana, said the current stock of COVID-19 vaccines was around 3,000 doses, which were intended for children aged 12-18 years.

Regarding the stock of COVID-19 vaccines at health centers that were empty, he said Bandarlampung City had submitted an additional vaccine to the central government.

"We have submitted a request to the central government to immediately send the vaccine, but what can we do we just follow orders", she said.

Previously, President Jokowi was in the virtual Emergency Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) evaluation process on Friday, July 16. Jokowi also mentioned vaccination. He wants the vaccination stock to be depleted as soon as possible to achieve herd immunity.

"I ask the minister of health to convey it to the lowest organization, there is no vaccine (hold) stock, send it, send it and spend it. Because we want to pursue a vaccine as soon as possible and it is proven that 2 or 3 days ago we can inject 2.3 million (dose), I am sure that 5 million can be done", said Jokowi.

"Once again, there is no need for stock, the only stock available is at Bio Farma, the others are quickly finished, so there is speed because one of the keys to solving this problem is the speed of vaccination, according to the WHO Director-General", added Jokowi

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