JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs,) Mahfud MD reiterated that development in Papua is carried out through a welfare and dialogue approach.

Mahfud said this during a virtual dialogue with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was attended by the Indonesian Embassies in the Asia Pacific, America, and Europe, as well as Indonesian representatives in Africa.

"Regarding the Papua issue, the government takes a handling approach that prioritizes comprehensive welfare in all aspects. And in dealing with separatism, the government prioritizes dialogue, and for the KKB (armed criminal group), law enforcement is carried out", Mahfud said in a written statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 15.

Mahfud admitted that he was quite intense in dialogue and met with Papuan leaders, both religious leaders, community leaders, regional governments, and Regional House of Representatives leaders.

According to him, all support Papua built peacefully.

However, Mahfud continued, in addition to strengthening the welfare and peace approach, the security of the Papuan people from the threat of terrorism must also be guaranteed by the state as well as possible.

Mahfud said that Papua's constitutional position is a legitimate part of the Republic of Indonesia and is by international law in the UN General Assembly No 2504.

At this moment, in addition to receiving directions from the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the ambassadors also received exposure to developments about Papua by the leaders of the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT), National Police, State Intelligence Agency (BIN), and Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK).

Hearing the explanation of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs and several related officials, the Indonesian Ambassador to New Zealand, Tantowi Yahya appreciated the initiative of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD.

"We appreciate the efforts made by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs to explain to the public about Papua as one door because so far there are too many doors that convey policies regarding Papua", he said.

Tantowi reminded the government about the Papuan narrative so that the Papua issue is not explained by the narrative of spending a lot of money, but by touching on the main issues, namely the issue of justice, treatment, and the enforcement of human rights.

Meanwhile, Ambassador Andri Hadi from Brussels, Belgium, said that all countries in Europe support the Indonesian Government's policy on Papua.

Responding to various suggestions and input from the Indonesian ambassador, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs emphasized that this dialogue forum is to share perceptions about what the government is doing and what the government will do about handling the Papua problem.

"I am happy that the response from the ambassadors has been very good. The input from the ambassadors is very useful for the government, we will process it and follow it up", said Mahfud.

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