JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo expressed his gratitude to all parties, especially doctors, health workers, to the TNI and Polri who have worked hard during the COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

This was conveyed when he visited the Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory, Jakarta, which will function as an emergency hospital for COVID-19 patients.

"Doctors, health workers, ASN, TNI and Polri have worked hard morning, afternoon, night since March 2020 and until now and I want to say a big thank you," said Jokowi as shown on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, Friday, July 9th.

Furthermore, the former Governor of DKI Jakarta hopes that more components of the community will move to volunteer in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. So, Jokowi invites all parties to intervene to help deal with COVID-19.

"I would like to invite students, young women, PKK mothers to posyandu leaders to work hand in hand, to work together as volunteers, to become volunteers in handling the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

This invitation, continued Jokowi, was conveyed so that the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in the community could be carried out as well as possible.

"If there are additional volunteers from all components of the community to handle COVID-19, we can handle it as well as possible," he said.

As previously reported, the number of COVID-19 cases in the country continues to increase. Based on data from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) as of Thursday, July 8 yesterday, of the 200,381 specimens examined, 38,391 new positive cases of COVID-19 were added.

This is the highest number during the pandemic where previously the addition of this case was a record of 34,379 cases on July 7, 31,189 new cases on July 6, and 29,745 cases on July 5.

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