JAKARTA - There was an increase in the occupancy rate of beds for COVID-19 patients at the Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital Kemayoran today. Currently, its usability reaches 76 percent, so there is 10 percent of beds that are not occupied by patients.
Head of Information for Defense Area Joint Command I (Kogabwilhan I), Marine Colonel Aris Mudian said, as of today there are 103 people who have just entered the Wisma Atlet as COVID-19 isolation patients.
"There are 6.002 inpatients at the Wisma Atlet Hospital out of 7.894 bed capacities. Initially, there were 5.899 people being treated and today there are 103 more people", said Aris in his statement, Friday, July 8.
The details, there are 2.954 women and 3.048 men. They are undergoing isolation in Towers 4, 5, 6, and 7 of the Wisma Atlet COVID-19 Emergency Hospital.
So, since the beginning of being used as a place of isolation on March 23, 2020, until now, the Wisma Atlet COVID-19 Hospital has treated 111.434 coronavirus patients.
"There were 105.432 patients discharged, with details 104.183 patients recovered, 942 were referred to other hospitals, and 307 people died", he said.
Currently, all isolated patients being treated at the Wisma Atlet Kemayoran Hospital are people who have symptoms of COVID-19, both mild and moderate.
In addition, there are COVID-19 patients who are also isolated in tower 8 of Wisma Atlet Pademangan. Of the 1.572 beds prepared, currently, 761 have been filled. Yesterday there were 968 patients and today reduced by 207 patients.
"So the total number of inpatients for towers 4,5,6,7, and 8 is 6,763 people. Yesterday there were 6.867 patients at Wisma Atlet Kemayoran and Pademangan. Today there are 104 people less", he explained.
Then, the isolation capacity of the Nagrak Cilincing Flats today is 54.6 percent or there are 1.806 beds filled with isolation patients from a total of 3.302 beds. Yesterday, the Nagrak Flat was filled with 1.945 patients. Today added 139 patients.
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