SOLO - The Surakarta City Government has prepared a special burial ground for COVID-19 at the Purwoloyo Public Cemetery (TPU).

"There, if you count again, the rest is still around 2,000", said Chief Executive of the Surakarta City COVID-19 Task Force Daily, Ahyani, in Solo, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 8.

The TPU can also be used for funerals for patients who died due to COVID-19 but were not received at other Public Cemetery.

"Special ones that are not desired elsewhere can be accommodated in Purwoloyo. For the Purwoloyo Public Cemetery, the land in the east is still quite spacious, it is specifically for COVID-19", he said.

Previously, the number of funerals using the COVID-19 protocol in Solo City continued to increase along with the soaring number of cases of the disease.

"In June, there was a significant increase, the number of funerals using the COVID-19 protocol was 160", said Head of the Public Cemetery Section for the Settlement Area of the Surakarta City Housing, Residential and Land Areas (DPKPP) of Surakarta City, Adji Anggoro.

Adji said that if you look at the January-June 2021 period, actually there was a decline in February-March 2021.

His party noted that in January the number of funerals using the COVID-19 protocol was 186 funerals, this figure fell in February to 87 funerals, March 61 funerals, April 42 funerals, and May began to rise to 44 funerals.

In total, in the January-June 2021 period, the number of funerals with the COVID-19 protocol in Solo City reached 580 cemeteries.

Adji said that so far the highest number of funerals with the COVID-19 protocol was carried out at the Bonoloyo Public Cemetery with a total of 163 funerals. Meanwhile, at other burial sites, there are 104 funerals at the Daksinoloyo Public Cemetery, 134 burials at the Purwoloyo Public Cemetery, 121 burials at the Pracimaloyo Public Cemetery, and 58 burials at the Untoroloyo Public Cemetery.

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