JAKARTA - The government is preparing to impose a new concept of normality in the early days of COVID-19. The Ministry of Health also issued a Decree of the Minister of Health number HK.01.07 / MENKES / 328/2020. This KMK contains guidelines for the prevention and control of COVID-19 in office and industrial workplaces to support business continuity.

Director of Occupational Health and Sports of the Ministry of Health, Kartini Rustandi, explained that there are five protocols in implementing new norms in the workplace. This protocol must be followed by the manager or owner of the workplace, workers, and also supervisors such as associations or labor unions.

First, the owner or manager of the workplace must first establish a COVID-19 control policy, so that it can be implemented by their workers. This policy is coordinated with the local health office.

"To determine this, we must consider well the type of work in the workplace. For example, seeing the size of the business sector, there is a small sector and a large sector. This must be considered because the risks are different," said Kartini in a discussion at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta. , Friday, 29 May.

"Then looking at the number or the number of customers, this must be seen. As well as, the health risks of their work, there are morning, noon, night shifts. Then seeing the age of workers who are young or elderly, this has different health risks," he continued.

The second protocol, workplace managers must facilitate all the necessary to meet the requirements of a safe and healthy workplace in order to avoid transmission of the virus.

"Managers are obliged to clean the workplace regularly, disinfect the workspace, provide a place for washing hands or hand sanitizers, and maintain a safe distance between workers," he said.

Third, there must be socialization and education to workers about the development of COVID-19 and how to control it. Because, according to Kartini, workers often feel they have understood everything related to this virus, but they do not yet understand how to implement prevention at work.

In socialization and education, company managers can work together with health workers, both community service providers, health offices, and other health organizations.

Fourth, the workplace must also monitor the health of its workers in a proactive and routine manner. Workplace managers must see whether any workers are showing symptoms of disease or not.

"Managers must also monitor whether workers wear masks or not, keep their distance or not. This must be done continuously and must follow the ongoing development of information about COVID-19," he said.

Finally, the workplace manager must report and coordinate with the health office if they find workers or guests who are sick and need further health care.

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