Abbey Road is a sacred place for musicians. Some were lucky to get there, including Voice of Baceprot.
The band from Garut is known to be Indonesia's representative who will perform at the Glastonbury Festival 2024. Before their big day was carried out, the three personnel took the time to travel in England.
Of course, Abbey Road is a destination that Marsya, Siti and Widi don't want to miss. Apart from looking at the legendary studio where The Beatles and Queen are recording, they also do mandatory 'ritual' there.
In the latest upload, VoB appears to be posing in the iconic zebra cross which is the cover of The Beatles album. They are proud to be able to achieve achievements they might have never imagined before.
While in England, Voice of Baceprot also received support from the Indonesian embassy there to visit several interesting places. Representing the Indonesian government, they also support the work of VoB representing Indonesia on the world stage.
VoB itself is scheduled to appear in Glastonbury 2024 on Friday, June 28. The broadcast can be watched streaming via the Glastobury YouTube channel.
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