JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo rotated a number of his personnel, two of whom were North Sumatra (North Sumatra) and Banten Police Chiefs.

The mutation or rotation of the position is stated in the Telegram Letter number ST/1236/VI/KEP./2024 to ST/1239/VI/KEP/2024, dated June 26, 2024.

For the position of the North Sumatra Police Chief, the National Police Chief appointed Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan, who previously served as Director of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency.

Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan will replace Inspector General Agung Setya Imam Effendi who is entering retirement.

"Mutations are natural in organizations, both for tours of areas and ambassadors, promotions, and other assignments," said Assistant Chief of Police for Human Resources (As SDM Kapolri) Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo regarding the mutation of the National Police Chief, Wednesday, June 26.

Meanwhile, for the position of the Banten Police Chief, the National Police Chief appointed Brigadier General Suyudi Ario Seto. He will replace Inspector General Abdul Karim.

It is known that Inspector General Abdul Karim was promoted as the Head of the Propam Police Division to occupy the position left by Inspector General Syahardiantono.

Meanwhile, Inspector General Syahardiantono was appointed as Kabaintelkam to replace Komjen Suntana who had retired.

In Telegram's published letter, at least the National Police Chief rotates and mutates hundreds of members. Starting from the level of the regent to the middle officer or pamen.

"Overall there are 745 personnel who have transferred," said Dedi.

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