JAKARTA - The government has started promoting the drug ivermectin for the treatment and therapy of COVID-19 patients. Please note, this Ivermectin endorsement was carried out when WHO had not recommended it as a COVID-19 drug.

Currently, the new WHO recommends ivermectin only be used for clinical trials. Therefore, the efficacy of using Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 cannot be concluded.

The person who pioneered the use of ivermectin for COVID-19 patients was the General Chair of the Indonesian Farmers' Association (HKTI) Moeldoko. The Presidential Chief of Staff admitted that his party had distributed Ivermectin to a number of areas.

He also claimed that Ivermectin was effective in treating COVID-19 patients, including those in Depok to East Semarang. Ivermectin, which is known as an anthelmintic, is claimed to be able to reduce COVID-19 cases in East Semarang, Sragen, and Kudus.

"In the City of Tangerang, East Jakarta, Depok, Bekasi, the efficacy level in almost all regions is approaching 100 percent for reducing COVID-19. Looking at this temporary data, we are quite optimistic that Ivermectin can be an effective drug solution to cure COVID-19 patients," said Moeldoko.

Moeldoko revealed the reason he distributed Ivermectin. According to him, this is due to the condition of the spread of COVID-19 which is currently increasingly widespread and continues to increase. Therefore, he dared to share Ivermectin as an alternative that was proven to be effective.

On the same day, yesterday, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) issued an Approval for the Implementation of Clinical Trials (PPUK) for the drug Ivermectin.

Head of BPOM Penny Lukito said, BPOM had issued a license for use or distribution permit for the drug branded Ivermectin for indications of helminthiasis which was given in certain doses. Because this drug is included in the hard drug class.

"Ivermectin is a strong drug that must be prescribed by a doctor. However, epidemiological data and global publications have stated that Ivermectin can also be used to treat COVID-19," said Penny.

However, Penny appealed to the public not to buy Ivermectin carelessly. He emphasized that this drug is still in the clinical trial stage to be given to COVID-19 patients. In addition, this drug is also included in the group of hard drugs so that its use must be with a doctor's prescription.

"We urge the public, with this clinical trial, people do not buy Ivermectin freely. This includes not buying from illegal online platforms," explained Penny.

This test was carried out by giving Ivermectin for five days to COVID-19 patients and then observing for 28 days. The clinical trial will last for approximately three months with the provision of reports every month.

Meanwhile, the location of the Ivermectin clinical trial will be carried out in eight hospitals, namely Persahabatan Hospital Jakarta, Sulianti Saroso Hospital Jakarta, Dr. Soedarso Pontianak, Adam Malik General Hospital in Medan, and Gatot Subroto Army Hospital in Jakarta.

In addition, Dr. Esnawan Antariksa Hospital Jakarta, Dr. RS. Suyoto Jakarta, and the COVID-19 Emergency Hospital Wisma Atlet Kemayoran Jakarta. "However, if the community needs this drug, doctors can give the drug by observing the clinical trial protocol," said Penny.

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