JAKARTA - The Commander of the Greater Jakarta Military Region (Pangdam Jaya) Maj. Gen. Mulyo Aji led a ceremony to honor and bury the body of a health worker at the Wisma Athlete Emergency Hospital COVID-19 (RSDC) who died due to COVID-19.
The honor ceremony took place in the courtyard of the Wisma Atlet Hospital Tower I on Thursday night, filled with candlelight activities as a symbol of mourning and funeral prayers.
“Today we have lost a dedicated health worker, sister Liza Putrie Noviana, AMK. The deceased was born in Surakarta, November 8, 1987," said TNI Major General Mulyo Aji after the honor and release ceremony, quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 24 night.
Liza, the first health worker at the Wisma Atlet RSDC who died due to COVID-19, leaves behind a husband and two children, said the Pangdam.
Major General Mulyo Aji told reporters that Liza had been admitted to the Emergency Installation (IGD) of the Wisma Atlet RSDC since June 3, 2021.
However, her condition continued to decline as indicated by a decrease in oxygen saturation, fever, shortness of breath, and coughing up phlegm.
The late Liza was also treated in the HCU and ICU rooms, and had time to use a ventilator.
The Military Commander said that the deceased had been referred from the Wisma Atlet Hospital to Persahabatan Hospital on June 8, 2021, until finally, Liza died on June 24.
After the honor ceremony, Liza's body was taken by ambulance for burial, possibly in the area where she lived in Cilacap, Central Java.
Daily positive cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia as of June 24, 2021, reached the highest number, which is 20,574 people, said the Task Force for Handling COVID-19, Thursday.
The most additions for positive COVID-19 cases occurred in DKI Jakarta (7,505), followed by Central Java (4,384), West Java (3,053), East Java (945), DI Yogyakarta (791), and Banten (599).
Since the emergence of the first COVID-19 case in Indonesia in 2020 until Thursday (24/6), the total number of positive patients has reached 2,053,995 people.
Of that number, 1,826,504 of them recovered and 55,949 others died.
As of June 24, 2021, cumulatively, the highest number of positive COVID-19 cases were in DKI Jakarta (494,462), followed by West Java (356,682), Central Java (239,818), East Java (166.831), East Kalimantan (74,632), Riau ( 68,779), and South Sulawesi (63,390).
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