JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria denied that the DKI Provincial Government had started using trucks to transport COVID-19 bodies to public cemeteries.

"There has been no transportation of COVID-19 bodies by truck. All COVID-19 bodies have been delivered by ambulance. So far, there has never been transportation by a truck", said Riza at DKI City Hall, Wednesday, June 23 evening.

Riza claimed, although the death rate for COVID-19 cases in the capital city has recently started to rise, the available ambulances are still sufficient to transport bodies exposed to the Coronavirus.

In fact, if necessary, the DKI Provincial Government will deploy additional ambulances belonging to political parties to transport bodies to the COVID-19 special public cemeteries.

"I believe, even though the daily death rate is quite high, yesterday it was above 50, there were more ambulances in Jakarta. Our friends, political parties, on average have a lot of ambulances. That can also be used. So, God willing, the bodies of COVID-19 19 will still be delivered by ambulance", he said.

Riza admitted that his party had simulated the transportation of COVID-19 bodies using trucks. However, he reiterated that it was the only anticipation if the ambulance was no longer enough to deliver the bodies.

"The discussion (of transporting bodies using trucks) is if the ambulance is not able to. To this day, ambulances in DKI are still ready to transport the bodies of COVID-19 patients. We will do our best.

Previously, the Head of the DKI Regional Financial Management Agency (BPKD), Edi Sumantri, admitted that the DKI Provincial Government had started using trucks to transport the bodies of COVID-19 in the capital. This is due to the surge in new cases and current COVID-19 deaths.

"The Cemetery Service is unable to bury them, they are tired. It's only 6 o'clock and the remaining 146 bodies are still being placed. Today it will be removed because ambulances are no longer possible, with trucks with a capacity of eight coffins", said Edi in a meeting with DKI Regional House of Representatives Commission C.

A large number of COVID-19 bodies in Jakarta, admitted Edi, has made the budget for handling COVID-19 of the DKI Parks and Forests Office swell. The Office's unexpected expenditure budget absorption (BTT) reached IDR 13.02 billion.

The budget is used for the procurement of coffins, personal protective equipment worth IDR  4.63 billion, distribution of incentives from January to March 2021 to reach IDR 5.22 billion and procurement of coffins, masks, and rubber gloves worth IDR 3.16 billion.

"So this will increase again for the cost of crates and others", he said.

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