JAKARTA - A number of employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) who were declared not to have passed the National Insight Test (TWK) requested in writing that the decisions contained in the minutes of the coordination meeting follow-up on the results of the TWK assessment dated May 25 be revoked.

This letter was sent to the leadership of the KPK, Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly, and MenPANRB Tjahjo Kumolo. In addition, this letter was also sent to the Head of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) Bima Haria Wibisana, the Head of the State Administration Agency (LAN) Adi Suryanto, and the Chairman of the ASN Commission Agus Pramusinto.

"Or at least clarifying the role of his participation in deciding to deprive 75 employees of the rights without a valid legal basis and also to remove the stigmatization of 75 employees who stigmatize 75 employees as disloyal and disobedient to Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and the legitimate government," said The head of the KPK Anti-Corruption Learning Task Force deactivated Hotman Tambunan in a written statement quoted on Tuesday, June 22.

Furthermore, he also questioned the attitude of KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri who attracted other institutions to lay off their own employees. This attitude can be seen from the minutes of the event on May 25 where the minutes were signed by four institutions, namely KASN, LAN, KemenPANRB, Kemenkumham, and BKN.

"It is very surprising, to just dismiss employees, the KPK chairman feels the need to get support from various institutions, even though these institutions are not authorized to dismiss KPK employees," he said.

In addition, Firli is also considered to have dragged the KPK Supervisory Board in the decision to terminate dozens of its employees although it was later clarified if they did not participate in approving the KPK Leadership Decree Number 652 of 2021. Because this is the authority of the leadership, not the task of the supervisory board.

"We feel this is a form of the arbitrariness of state officials, there are no rules that authorize them to participate in deciding the appointment and dismissal of KPK employees," said Hotman.

"Action like this is a category of arbitrariness which is strictly prohibited as stated in Articles 17 and 80 of Law Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration," he added.

Previously reported, in the process of transitioning KPK employees to State Civil Apparatus (ASN), there were 75 people who were declared failed because they did not pass the TWK.

Those who did not qualify included senior investigator Novel Baswedan, Chairman of the KPK Employee Forum who is also investigator Yudi Purnomo, Director of Socialization and Anti-Corruption Campaign Giri Suprapdiono, Head of the KPK Task Force Harun Al-Rasyid as well as a number of other investigators and reviewer. This then raises the issue of targeting these employees, especially those who handle high-profile corruption cases.

Furthermore, those who did not pass were deactivated so that they could not carry out their duties as KPK employees. However, the KPK recently said it would fire 51 of its 75 employees who were declared unsuccessful because they could not be trained.

While the rest, as many as 24 employees will be trained first through state defense education and national insight, but they can also be fired if they are declared not to have passed.

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