JAKARTA - Chocolate is often a mandatory dish at certain celebrations. Brown trials at these various celebrations turned out to be full of strong meaning.

Chocolate is a food taken from processed cocoa beans, which have grown since thousands of years ago. Sweet and legit chocolate flavor makes it difficult for many people to pass.

Quoted from the Fuchon page, when referring to the beliefs of the Aztecs and Mayas, chocolate is considered a symbol of glory. At the beginning of its utilization, the Aztecs and Maya only processed cocoa beans by mixing them into water.

In the 16th century, Europeans have only found a way to process chocolate more perfectly. By adding vanila, sugar, to various spices to enrich the taste.

The discovery became the beginning of the emergence of modern chocolate with various styles, fillings, and different toppings. The distinctive sweet taste of chocolate is also symbolized as a sign of love.

This makes chocolate often used on Valentine's Day celebrations. On Valentine's Day, someone usually gives chocolate to loved ones, spouses, family, to close friends.

Not only that, chocolate is also synonymous with various religious ceremonies and traditions. One of them is in the tradition of the Advent calendar ahead of Christmas.

To make the children enthusiastic about Christmas, parents usually invite them to play indoors looking for chocolate to make them feel happier.

This is the same as the history of Yule log, which remembers firewood as heating in the house. The shape of the logs is often made by replicas into chocolate-coated cakes, which are identical to Christmas.

In the past, chocolate was also not just a celebration food full of meaning, but was once relied on as currency. Chocolate as currency takes place on Mesoamerika culture, reported by Lift Chocolates.

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