JAKARTA - The West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police Operational Team arrested two students from a university in Mataram City who controlled three kilograms of dried marijuana from Medan.

Deputy Director of Drug Research at the NTB Police, AKBP Erwin Ardiyansah, said that his party arrested the two students with the initials FR (22) and DU (23) when they took three kilograms of dried marijuana at a freight forwarding office in the city of Mataram.

"So this marijuana from Medan was smuggled in the form of a package containing clothes", Erwin said at a press conference in Mataram, reported by Antara, Thursday, June 17.

To the police, the two who were arrested on Wednesday night, June 16, admitted that they bought them from Medan only for consumption in their plans to climb to Mount Rinjani.

Related to that, Erwin saw that the reason did not make sense. Three kilograms of dried marijuana will be used up when climbing Mount Rinjani. "So for the time being, we suspect he will resell this dried marijuana", he said.

Furthermore, in handling this case, the police had carried out developments to the residences of the two students.

From FR's house, the police did not find any evidence related to narcotics. However, as a result of the search of DU's boarding house, the police found a set of methamphetamine smoking devices.

Now all the evidence and the two have been detained at the NTB Police. Because of their actions, the two final semester students were threatened with 20 years in prison.

The threat is by the allegation of Article 111 Paragraph 2 and or Article 114 Paragraph 2 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35/2009 concerning Narcotics.

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