Received A Visit From The Ambassador Of Georgia, Hasto PDIP: Mrs. Mega Sends Warm Greetings
Georgian Ambassador to Indonesia Iraqili Asashvili and PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto/ Antara

JAKARTA - Georgian Ambassador to Indonesia Iraqili Asashvili visited the Central Board of PDI-P fraction office, Jalan Diponegoro, Central Jakarta, Monday, June 14. This is to improve bilateral relations with Indonesia.

Secretary-General of the Central Board of PDI-P, Hasto Kristiyanto, received a special reception in the open space of the PDIP office.

Georgia wants to strengthen relations with Indonesia by requesting that Indonesia establish a representative office in the country.

During the meeting, Hasto said that his party's role in government would always encourage increased cooperation between Indonesia and countries in the world, including Georgia.

"As the ruling party, PDIP takes part in enhancing Indonesia's friendship and cooperation with friendly countries, including in the economic field", he said in a press release.

Hasto conveyed warm greetings from party officials and reported this meeting to the PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri.

"Mrs. Megawati conveys her warm regards to the visit of the Georgian Ambassador", said Hasto, adding that PDIP's stance was firm in maintaining pluralism and upholding the Pancasila ideology.


Hasto said this meeting was special because it was held in an open room at the Central Board of PDI-P office.

He explained various surveys that stated that PDIP had the highest electoral votes and is currently focusing on comprehensive consolidation to ensure victory in the 2024 General Election.

Hasto explained the PDIP party's school program to improve the quality of cadres and candidates for regional heads.

The Georgian Ambassador, Irakli Asashvili, said that his party was very interested in the explanation about the party school.

He asked how the mechanism was implemented at the central and regional levels.

"I have visited several parts of Indonesia. The country of Indonesia is rich in culture, culinary, and has beautiful scenery. Five years is not enough as an ambassador to know Indonesia, which is so beautiful", he said.

Openly, he admitted that he hoped for closer relations between Indonesia and Georgia. Moreover, the country is ready to open its economy to goods from Indonesia.

"We don't have many embassies in Asia, especially Southeast Asia. We want Indonesia to open its embassy in Georgia", said Irakli.

At the end of the meeting, Ambassador Irakli handed over wine produced by Georgia, and Hasto warmly welcomed the gift.

Hasto doesn't want to lose. Hasto on that occasion promoted one of the original Indonesian cigars from Jember, East Java. Incidentally, the ambassador is a cigar connoisseur.

"Indonesia has cigar products. Let's enjoy it", said Hasto, giving it to the ambassador who was immediately interested in receiving it.

Georgia is the home country of Joseph Stalin, one of the legendary leaders of the Soviet Union. The country is known to have export commodities in mining materials, chemical products, and defense products.

Meanwhile, Indonesian products that Georgia is interested in are agricultural products such as coffee, coconut flour, and palm oil.

In this meeting, Hasto was accompanied by House of Representatives member Andreas Hugo Pareira, and other party cadres including Hanjaya, Helmy Hidayat, Leni, Michael Umbas, and Aryo Adhi.

Meanwhile, the Ambassador of Georgia was accompanied by Akaki Dvali, Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Georgia.

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