The families of the accident victims consisted of father, mother and son on Jalan Hang Tuah, Pekanbaru City, Riau Province, asking the perpetrators to be severely punished.
"We and our family hope that the perpetrators will be punished fairly," said one of the victim's relatives, Rosnan, quoted from ANTARA, Wednesday, January 1, 2025.
The sad atmosphere enveloped hundreds of mourners attending the funeral procession to express their condolences. The three victims who died as a result of the collision were Anton Sujarwo (38) and Afrianti (42), as well as their son, Aditio Aprilio Anjani (10), who was buried at the Tampan Public Cemetery.
Sobs broke out when the body was taken to the final resting place. Rosnan, who was in Pelalawan at the time of the incident, admitted that he was surprised to receive the sad news on Wednesday morning, January 1, 2025.
"They just want to take advantage of holidays to visit in-laws who are sick in Lyric, Indragiri Hulu," he said.
It is known that this family left one child who was not on the trip at that time. The child is likely to be treated by his grandmother or brother.
This tragic accident occurred after the Toyota Calya driven by Antoni Romansyah (44) hit the victim's motorcycle. The perpetrator, along with two other passengers, was known to be under the influence of drugs.
Antoni's car drove fast from the direction of Kulim to Pekanbaru City before it went wide to the right and hit two motorcycles. One motorcycle was hit and three passengers died. One other vehicle was also hit, and two passengers were injured.
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